HB Fab Co

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Fire Escape Repair Los Angeles

Based in Huntington Beach, CA | Request Service Now

If your fire escape is damaged, that’s a crucial safety issue that needs to be addressed immediately. Not only are you in violation of fire code, but your building is unprepared for the safe evacuation of residents in case of emergency.

For fire escape repair in the Los Angeles, Orange County, and Long Beach areas, contact HB Fab Co. Whether in our shop or in the field, we’ll make the necessary repairs and get your fire escape back in perfect working order.

Fire Escape Welding

Our technicians are skilled at working with many different types of metals, including steel and iron, which are the most common materials used in fire escapes. We know technical specifications such as the melting point of materials that are important not only in assembling your structure, but making it safe for emergencies.

We make strong and precise welds to repair your fire escape so it can last for decades. These structures aren’t known for being aesthetic, but we’re completely capable of adding design elements such as scrollwork, text, or logos, as long as they conform to the fire code in your area.

Quick Repair for Fire Escapes

We’re able to repair your fire escape no matter if your building is commercial, industrial, or residential. Every building needs safe evacuation routes, and ensuring that your fire escape is sturdy and navigable has to be a top priority for every building owner. We can take on any project of any size, whether your building has two stories or twenty.

Contact HB Fab Co immediately for fire escape repair in Long Beach, Orange County, and the Los Angeles metro area, as well as fire escape construction and fire escape design. We bring our professionalism and commitment to excellence to every project we work on.

HB Fab Co

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Questions, comments or requests? Feel free to reach out, we’d love to hear from you.

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